Voice of the consumer: Mohamed Kasmani
22nd July 2020

I signed up to AOS Anterior software after 100% Optical this year. The decision was easy – I have been in need of a visual system to help with dry eye management for the practice. Dry eye disease is one of the most common complaints we face in-practice, but without the means to demonstrate the problem to patients (especially when they do not see the signs) it can be problematic. Normally in the case of dry eye, a patient is prescribed a management system which they use for a while and then slowly let go once their symptoms begin to ease, only to find themselves back at square one a few months later. I have found that AOS has helped with patient compliance because the patient can see the difference in the condition of their dry eyes directly when they comply with the management programme.
Images can be taken with a mobile phone camera or a camera system linked to your PC. I have used both the mobile app and also the Ocucam attached to my computer – both provide excellent resolution. The image is then viewed in the AOS software, where there is a collection of analytical tools. AOS made a vast difference for our practice during lockdown. The majority of patients calling were suffering with dry eye and red eye symptoms. Being able to instruct a patient to take an image and have the facility to assess their red eye made life a lot easier and provided patients with the confidence that they were being looked after. However other patients require different tests, for example, using the punctate staining tool I can clearly show the patient the number of punctate spots on their eye and treat them accordingly.
The AOS anterior software has been vital in returning to face-to face practice. I recently assessed a patient who I examined remotely during lockdown and have been able to comparatively assess how they have managed their dry eyes using the objective grading and imaging tools. In-practice, using the Ocucam slitlamp mountable camera, I can take images to import into AOS Anterior for evaluation. Patients are impressed and pleased to see evidence that they are on the right track managing their dry eyes. Enabling trust and confidence in my service and care package.
On the whole, AOS software enables you to help and assess your patients’ eyes without them having to take the risk of venturing out during the pandemic, keeping both you and your patients safe. It is a must for anyone considering dry eye & objective grading management for their patients. It is also a very practical business application when considering setting up a dry eye clinic.
Mohamed Kasmani, Director and Principle Optometrist at Feltham EyeCare Centre