Don’t miss our Black Friday offer!
22nd November 2021

For Black Friday we are offering you a free highly rated slit lamp adapter worth $299. We have 10 of them to give away to those of you who sign up with AOS for six months between Monday 22nd and Monday 29th November.
Why would I want a mobile slit lamp adapter?
Smartphones have become so technologically advanced in recent years that we can find use for them in pretty much any aspect of our daily lives. Recently, professionals have been realising their medical potential for improving patient care and efficiency.
Taking images of the anterior segment is of huge benefit to eye care professionals, but isn’t used widely throughout our industry – understandably so, given the significant investment, it requires of clinics at their typical price point of $10,000 – $20,000. For those looking to take images but not in a position to commit to that level of expenditure, taking images on a smartphone is a favorable alternative.
Mobile slit lamp photography works by securing the smartphone in the adapter, which can be adjusted to cater for different device makes and models, much like one you’d use in your car. Making sure the phone camera lens can be seen in the oval cut out, the adapter is then attached to the slit lamp’s eyepiece. With the camera open on your phone, you can then adjust accordingly to create a clear image of the patient’s eye.
Taking images is highly useful for patient management and patient compliance. Patients can often be put on a treatment plan without fully understanding their situation, causing them to begin their prescribed plan and not fully follow-through, meaning their condition is not likely to improve. Therefore, with photo documentation, you’ll be able to recognise when patients aren’t following doctors orders and intervene so that they get the appropriate care. It can also be used to demonstrate progression that has been made by following a treatment regime.
If improvement for the patient is slow or unobvious, they are less likely to return for follow up care or return visits. Whether they’d require something as simple as eye drops, or in-office treatments costing hundreds of dollars, a significant revenue stream would be lost, particularly is this also likely to lead to a reduction in referrals too.
Another factor we often hear as to why ECPs don’t take images is because of a belief that it will add too much time to their day. On the contrary, though, taking images actually helps to improve efficiency, as it helps to tell the story. The ease of use that comes with a mobile adapter also means that you’re not limited to using one designated exam room.
Mobile slit lamp adapters vary in price – you can pick them up on Amazon for $20, but they’re not likely to be much use and will soon end up collecting dust in your drawer. If you’re interested in getting hold of a high-quality adapter, worth $299, for free, get signed up to AOS for six months before Monday 29th November. The two together make the perfect pair.